Wait...which way?

Tuesday, November 05, 2002  

Yes...i know...it's been a while. Been busy...or somethin like that ;) So i went to Harvest Monday tonight and well ya actually the whole day has been really good. So i did a lil quiet time this morning. The passage was Acts 9:10-19. Yes I've read this before and I'm sure alot of you have but i kinda saw it in a different light this morning...maybe it only works when i'm half asleep? i dunno...k i wasn't that bad, but anyways. This is what I got out of it. I think that we need to listen and do in faith. Here you see Ananias being called by God to go heal Saul. Look at Ananias' first reaction...basically he says "God, this guy is whack, all i hear about Saul are the bad things he has done towards the believers and now he's got a warrant for all our arrests just cuz we believe in You" Of course. This is how we always respond cuz we're scared, the task seems impossible, "there's no way I can do this, the only person could do this is..." (light bulb). Yet even when we come to this conclusion we're still scared. We have to be willing to take that blind step, leap of faith, etc. Ananias went and did it. As we know Saul later becomes Paul. Now think of all that God did through Paul. This all started with Ananias faithfully obeying the Lord. So ya maybe He has big things planned and it starts first with you! Does that make sense? K so now tonight...I went to Harvest Monday Night and the passage was Exodus 32 I know it's kinda long, but read it if you get the chance cuz you'll understand what i'm talking about better. So first Greg(speaker) talked about verses 7 - 14, and if you read it, God is just telling Moses the wrath that He's gonna bring upon the people worshiping an idol. Moses is quick to respond, reminding God of the promises He had made. Was God really going to wipe out these people He had called Moses to just save? No. God was testing Moses to see his reaction. God will put us in situations of testing to see how we will respond...are we serious in our words and in our actions? Integrity was the theme of tonight. Greg told a story of a pastor who took the bus to church. The pastor boarded the bus and paid the fare and the bus driver gave him change back. During the ride the pastor realized that the bus driver gave him too much change. At the pastor's stop he went to the bus driver and said "here you gave me too much change" the bus driver said "no i didn't. I was at church last week listening to your message on integrity and i just wanted to see if you practiced what you preached." Sooooo true. How honest are we? Do we practice what we preach? It's hard. I feel like i didn't get all that i wanted out tonight, but i gotta go to bed cuz i'm tired. maybe more bloggage a lil later...

posted by Micah | 1:12 AM
Question of the moment...
What is something you need to be patient with in your life?
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